Sandbrook Primary School

Our Curriculum

Our vision is that we provide a rich curriculum that is ‘serious fun’: we take learning seriously and the enjoyment comes from success in our endeavours.

Cognitive science research tells us lots of things that can help us support our learners. For example:

  • learning is tricky and takes time;
  • forgetting is a normal part of learning;
  • learning new things is easier if we already know a little bit;
  • knowing a bit about a lot of things can help us to make sense of what we read;
  • we need to actively remember things in order to store them in our long term memory;
  • quizzes and tests are really helpful.

We made use of these findings when we designed our curriculum to support our children to know more and remember more over time. For many subjects, we produce curriculum booklets. These contain the content for each topic or theme. They are designed to support teachers to deliver small steps in a structured way, paying attention to our core teaching approaches:

  • Small steps of learning carefully sequenced
  • Retrieval time built in to constantly review previous learning
  • Reading to learn / learning to read is prioritised
  • Checks for understanding built in so that children and teachers can assess progress during lessons
  • Writing revolution tasks to reinforce key skills
  • Exit tasks to evaluate learning in a lesson / plan for writing

In addition to the booklets, we also produce summary sheets that the children use to keep so that they can review and quiz themselves and their peers.

As we have mixed-age classes, our curriculum is split into year A and year B.

2024-25 will follow Year A. Please click below to view our curriculum.



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If you would like any further information regarding curriculum content, please speak to your child's class teacher.